27. July 2024 16 ℃
Scattered clouds
28. July 2024 20 ℃

6 Days Rongai Route Hike

At one with nature

The Rongai route ascends Kilimanjaro from the north-eastern side of the mountain, along the border between Tanzania and Kenya. This route retains a sense of unspoilt wilderness and offers a different perspective on Kilimanjaro by approaching it from the north.
The topography of the route does not allow for the application of the climb high and sleep low principle and hikers generally suffer more from altitude sickness on the Rongai route compared to other routes (an additional acclimatization day is highly recommended on this route). The Rongai route use the scree summiting path from Kibo hut to Gilman’s point and descend via the Marangu route.

Day 0

Kilimanjaro International Airport to Moshi

When you arrive you will be met at the airport by our driver- with a sign bearing your name, then you will drive to Weru Weru  Lodge safari in Moshi for dinner and overnight. In the afternoon or evening your Wildgem Safari Mountain Guide will meet you for a Kilimanjaro climb briefing and an equipment check.

Day 1

Rongai Start Point (1996m) – Simba camp (2626m)

Hiking time: 4 hours
Distance: Approximately 6.7 km
Habitat: Forest (Montane)

Depart from Moshi town and drive 45 minutes to the Marangu park gate for registration. From Marangu park gate we travel to Naro Moru, north east Kilimanjaro, a further 68km and approximately 2 ½ hours on bad roads to the Rongai start point (1996m). Meet your guide and porters before you begin your hike from the Nale Moru village. The small winding path crosses maize fields before entering pine forest, and then climbs gently through a forest. The trail is not at all steep, but is rather a gentle hike through a beautiful country side. The first night’s camp is at Simba Camp (2 626m). The camp facilities include a public toilet and a wooden table with benches, but no hut.

Day 2

Simba camp (2626m) – Kikelewa Camp (3679m)

Hiking time: 6 – 7 hours
Distance: Approximately 11.8 km
Habitat: Moorlands

We hike from Simba camp up towards Kibo till 3 482m for lunch at First Caves, a distance of 5.8km. After lunch we continue trekking until reaching Kikelewa Camp at about 3679 metres. The views start to open up and you begin to feel you’re on a really big mountain! Water can be found in a obvious stream below the cave, although you might have to wander downhill a way to find a pool or two. Enjoy dinner and overnight at Kikelewa camp.

Day 3

Kikelewa Cave (3679m) – Mawenzi Tarn camp (4303m)

Hiking time: 3 hours
Distance: Approximately 3.7 km
Habitat: Moorlands

A short but steep climb up grassy slopes offers superb views of this wilderness area. The vegetation zone ends shortly before you reach your next camp at Mawenzi Tarn spectacularly situated beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. Spend the afternoon acclimatizing and exploring the area.

Day 4

Mawenzi Tarn camp (4303m) – Kibo hut (4730m)

Hiking time: 5 hours
Distance: Approximately 9 km
Habitat: Alpine desert

After breakfast we head west and continue ascending on the east side of Kibo crossing the saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo taking 4 to 5 hours to reach Kibo Hut. The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the final ascent, which begins around midnight. Overnight at Kibo hut.

Day 5  summit attempt

Kibo hut (4730m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Horombo hut (3705m)

Hiking time: 7 to 8 hours to reach Uhuru Peak, 6 to 8 hours to descend to Horombo
Distance: Approximately 5.4km ascent and 15 km descent

Habitat: Stone scree / ice-cap summit

You will rise around 23h20, and after some tea and biscuits you shuffle off into the night, and this is where the going really gets tough. The first section of the trail consists of a rocky path to the Hans Meyer Cave (5150m), also a good resting spot.
The path then zigzags up to Gillman’s point (5 681m), which is located on the crater rim. This section is very steep with a lot of stone scree, requiring a great physical and mental effort. This is probably the most demanding section of the entire route. Do the Kili shuffle and move slowly. From Gillmans Point you will normally encounter snow all the way up to Uhuru peak (5895m), the highest point in Africa.

Total exhilaration and satisfaction – you made it

Weather conditions on the summit will determine how long you will be able to spend, taking photographs, before the 3-hour descent back to Kibo hut. After a short rest at Kibo hot, you gather all your gear you left behind for the ascent and head down to Horombo hut (3 hours) for your overnight. The return to Horombo hut will seem surprisingly fast compared to the ascent. The total time spent walking on this day is around 14 hours, so be prepared for a very tough day. Later in the evening you enjoy your last dinner (with soft drinks and beer for sale at the camp office) on the mountain and a well-earned sleep, filled with memories and stirring emotions.

Day 6

Horombo hut (3705m) – Marangu Gate (1860m)

Hiking time: 6 hours
Distance: Approximately 19.7 km
Habitat: Moorland & Montane Forest

After breakfast you continue your descent (6 hours), passing the Mandara hut, down to the Marangu gate. It is strongly recommended not to pay your porters any tips until you and all your gear have reached the gate safely at Maangu gate you sign your name and details in a register.  This is also where successful climbers receive their summit certificates. Those climbers who reached Gillman’s Point (5685m) are issued with green certificates and those who reached Uhuru Peak (5895m), receive gold certificates.
You now drive back to Moshi for a long overdue hot shower, dinner descent bed and celebrations!!


Kilimanjaro Climb Includes:

  • Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees
  • 2 Way transfers from and to the  Kilimanjaro airport after the climb
  • Hotel Lodging the night before and the night after the climb, with dinner and breakfast included 
  • Transfer from your hotel to starting point for your climb, and return to your hotel after your climb
  • Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food
  • All Kilimanjaro National Park gate fees, camping fees and climbing permits.
  • Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees (Kilimanjaro Rescue Team)
  • Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summiting aid)
  • Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only)
  • Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters and cook
  • Salaries for mountain crew as per guidelines set by Kilimanjaro National Park
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as hot drinks on the mountain
  • Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattress
  • Water for washing up daily
  • Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs) from one camp to the next camp.
  • Kilimanjaro National Park certificate for your successful summit attempt
  • A comprehensive Climbing Kilimanjaro travel info pack
  • Flying Doctor Service

Kilimanjaro Climb Excludes:

  • Flights and airport taxes
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Compulsory tips for guides, porters and cook 
  • Health requirements (Yellow Fever compulsory if travelling to Tanzania recommended)
  • Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
  • Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
  • Snacks, personal medicine and water purifying tablets
  • Meals & drinks not specified and snacks