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The meaning and its origin.

Sunday, 30.Jul 2023

As one of the rarest and most valuable gemstones, many are unaware of just how wonderful Alexandrite is. Like its ability to change colors, the meaning of Alexandrite has changed over time. Once a gemstone associated with Russian royalty, Alexandrite is now featured on unique engagement rings and

The gemstone Alexandrite was originally found in the Ural Mountains of Russia in 1830. In 1830 Russia was a monarchy and was ruled by Tsar Alexandrite II. This meant that the newly discovered gemstone should be, and was, named after the ruler of the time. Thereby came the name of Alexandrite.


Alexandrite is a variety of Chrysoberyl composed Og; Beryllium, Aluminum and Oxygen, the chemical composition of Alexandrite is Al_2 BeO_4. A unique feature of this gemstone is its color changing properties from a green/blue color in sunlight to a red/purple color in UV-light. This happens due to the small amount of Chromium found in the crystal structure of Alexandrite.


The geological processes that happen in the formation of Alexandrite is not fully understood, besides from the fact that the gemstones are always found in the close vicinity of metamorphic rocks. Other minerals that are associated with Alexandrite is Mica, Feldspar and Quartz.


Since the discovery in 1830, Alexandrite have been found in multiple other locations, such as Sri Lanka, Brazil and East Africa. The mine in Tunduru district in Tanzania has been producing some of the largest pieces of Alexandrite these recent years.


Besides from Chromium, Alexandrite might also contain trace amounts of Titanium, Iron and Vanadium. But it is the Chromium that allows the Alexandrite to have the unique change of color when presented to incandescent light.


Alexandrite is mostly used for jewelries, such as rings, bracelets and earrings or even as an element on a figurine. Others might buy Alexandrite gemstones for their own private collection or as an investment.


Mystical Power of Alexandrite

Since the discovery of alexandrite, the gemstone has been through to bring luck, good fortune and love. In Russia, it is considered to be a stone of very good omen. It is believed to bring balance in the interaction between the physical manifest world and the unmanifest spiritual, or astral world. It opens the crown chakra, bringing one access to the warm, healing energy and love of the universe.

Alexandrite encourages romance. It is also said that through the stone, joy enters the lives of people with too much self-discipline. The atone reminds us of our purpose in life and our origin. It gives hope to those who are in despair about their lives. It brings strength and constantly reminds them of the light, with its changing color it is a reminder that life is not only what it seems to be.


This stone is the birthstone of June and the anniversary stone for the 55th year of marriage. It is also considered as Friday stone meaning the stone for a child born on Friday. It is an extremely rare gemstone and a fairly modern one to boot. It does not share the ancient history and ore of most other gems due to the fact that it was first discovered in the 19th Century. 


Alexandrite are also useful for one’s emotional wellbeing, as well as promoting self-esteem and the ability to be appreciative of the world around us. The stone assists one in developing “inner energy change” which correspond with age and maturation. Alexandrite can aid in centering oneself. Metaphysicians say alexandrite crystals may be used to help one return to the origin of time and to connect with the beginning of one’s development.


The way to protect your Alexandrite Jewelry

Alexandrite is rated “excellent” for everyday wear however one must still use caution and protect it from harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures and scratches. The best way to clean the stone is with mild dish soap and warm water using a soft toothbrush. With a hardness of 8.5, alexandrite makes a very durable stone suitable for any jewelry setting. Nevertheless, take care when faceting the stone. Alexandrite is still sensitive to knocks and extreme heat.



A considerable market exists for lab-created alexandrite, first synthesized in the 1960s. these synthetic stones have the same chemical and physical properties as natural alexandrite. They are real alexandrite but not natural. Although the synthetics coast far less than natural counterparts, they still rank among the most expensive synthetic gemstones available. 

Gemologists can sometimes identify synthetic alexandrite by inclusion caused by various growth procedure. Melt techniques, like the Czochralski method, can create curved striae. Hydrothermal growth can create bubbles and liquid inclusions. Flux methods can leave inclusion of platinum or other seed materials. 



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